Super Boof: Barking Up the Right Tree.

A realm where potency meets finesse.

This distinguished hybrid melds the invigorating zest of sativas with the tranquil embrace of indicas, crafting a harmonious balance that electrifies and soothes in equal measure.

Savor a tapestry of tastes, from the juicy burst of fruity undertones to the refreshing hint of mint, each inhale a passport to an extraordinary voyage.

Ideal for the connoisseur yearning for a profound intensity tempered by a refined finish.

Whether your quest is to spark creativity or to find solace after the day's toil, Super Boof is your gateway to an exceptional escapade.

Are you prepared to explore the exquisite?

Cannabinoid and Terpene Profile

Cannabinoids and terpenes are compounds found in cannabis plants, with cannabinoids being responsible for the plant's effects on the brain and body, while terpenes contribute to the plant's aroma and may also influence its therapeutic properties.

Super Boof typically tests around:

  • THC: 21-25%

  • Terps: 3-5+% (Myrcene/Caryophyllene dominant)

  • Many Minor Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids and Terps


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